What You Need to Know About Laser Lipo Fat Removal


Are you looking to remove unwanted fat from your body? Have you tried weight loss methods such as regular exercise and diets with little to no success?

You may be a good candidate for laser liposuction fat removal or laser lipolysis.

The procedure is a minimally invasive alternative to traditional liposuction that uses laser energy to liquefy fat in a targeted area. It usually takes around 45 minutes to an hour to complete their procedure.

We offer the procedure at our skin care clinic in Concord, California at Abby Skin Care Clinic. Here are what you can expect:

  • Pain level
    The procedure requires local anesthesia so it shouldn’t hurt or cause you pain.
  • Side effects
    Common side effects include bruising and tenderness in the treated area. There are also reports of infection and irritation but these are rare.
  • Costs
    Costs can start at $1,000 to $1,500 for a small area of the body to $2,500 to $5,000 per treatment area but this will still depend on where get the procedure.
  • Rate of results
    Reduction is usually immediate, with noticeable tightening of the surrounding skin, too, due to the laser used.
  • Recovery time
    Most patients can get back to doing light activities after 2–3 days and more vigorous activities like strenuous exercise within 10 days.

Need more information? Don’t hesitate to call us at skin care medspa in Union City.

We also offer skin care products in San Francisco, CA for your convenience.

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