Ways to Take Care of Sensitive Skin

Sensitive skin can be caused by certain skin disorders or allergic reactions, dry skin, and environmental factors like sun and wind exposure. If you have sensitive skin, you’re most likely prone to rashes, bumps, and breakouts.

As a trusted skin clinic in Hercules, we’ve listed down for you three ways you can take proper care of your sensitive skin:

  1. Stay away from heavy oils and strong facial washes, cleansers, and soaps.
    Because sensitive skin is easily irritated, try using skin care products in San Francisco, California that can effectively get rid of dirt and impurities and at the same time protect your skin from acne.
  2. Don’t skip sunscreen.
    As much as possible, never go out without applying sunscreen. Sunscreens rated SPF 30 or higher are recommended for those with sensitive skin. Find out what brand of sunscreen best soothes your sensitive skin. Make sure you avoid those that have alcohol and strong fragrances in their formula.
  3. Don’t use expired products.
    This is never good for your skin. Applying expired skincare solutions on your skin can have adverse effects. You risk rashes and other types of skin contamination. So, always take note of the expiry dates of the products that you use.

Of course, if you really want to make sure that you only apply the right care for your sensitive skin, consult a professional. Abby Skin Care Clinic is a trusted skin care medspa in Union City. Our experts will tell you all you need to know about proper skincare.

We’re always available to provide you with corrective skin care in Hercules. Get in touch with us today!

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